Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A little of this, that and the other....

 I was so sick a couple of weekends ago and stuck in bed for the entire day 
so Miss Savannah helped keep me entertained

 A short detour before getting in the car....

 "these boots were made for walkin'" 

Helping me make Thanksgiving dinner...

What you talkin' bout Willis?

At my parents for Thanksgiving dinner, and our child decides she wants to be naked.  Um, ok.

She loves wearing "Ga-Ga's"

We went to my in-laws to let their dog out while they were
 away and Savannah was confused saying "where's Mimi"?

5 days a week! Weight be gone!

Oh how she loves getting into my make-up.... and drawing on the cabinets apparently...

Of course she has to check out her work...

She climbed up in her high chair all by herself....yay!! So proud of herself :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Very Happy Tuesday Thanksgiving

So yes, we had our Thanksgiving yesterday. On a Tuesday. A little different but I have to work all day on Thursday and so does Shane's brother so it just works out better if we do it on a different day all together.  We'll celebrate with my parents on Saturday.  Ahhh, the joys of working in a restaurant.

I made the Turkey, mashed potatoes, veggies and chocolate banana cream pie.  Shane's mom brought the stuffing and mac n cheese.....it all was delish.  And since I didn't get any family pics, I'll share some pictures of the yummy goodness that I made....

 My chocolate banana cream pie.  I wanted to make something quick and easy and this pie was just that.  Now, I love to bake, many of Thanksgivings I've made homemade carrot cake
 but this year I just wasn't feeling it

 Topped with whipped cream

Complete with chocolate shavings and all....

And of course my homemade pumpkin pie....
My beautiful Turkey, it turned out great :)

So we had Shane's family over and it was very nice.  I love hosting the holidays but I can't wait to do it in a bigger home.  Next year for sure, we can have everyone over comfortably.....and I'll make homemade pie ;)

Monday, November 19, 2012

For the love of .......Marney?

A few months ago it was "For the love of her Crocs" and now?  It's all about Marney. Well actually, Barney.  Yes, our child is going through the "obsessed with Barney" phase.  At first I could handle a little Barney, it was cute, I would sing along as I cleaned- good times. Fast forward a few months and..... Barney is no longer welcome here,  BJ and Baby Bop either (especially those two). BUT,  I will refrain from kicking them out as my little girl loves them and so must I.

Ps.  She is on a 45 minute a day limit.

This video is cute not only because of her cries for Marney, but when she gets mad at us she always takes it out on Otis or her baby doll by telling them No!

And before you think we are evil parents, we gave in a little later....

Friday, November 16, 2012

In other news...

Our house being broken into last Sunday has completely consumed us for the past 5 days so Im ready to talk about something else.  Let's start with The Gym.  It's been a full 7 days since I started back and I must say I've been kicking some major ass!  I only missed Sunday (for obvious reasons) and Monday- just too tired from lack of sleep.  So I was back at it on Tuesday, ahem,  twice.  Yep, I went in the morning and in the afternoon. Hey when Im feeling it, Im feeling it!  My routine has been warming up on the treadmill then doing 3-4 miles on the elliptical.  Then I do some arm weights.  These jiggly grandma arms have got to go yo. Tomorrow Im going to do a step class in the morning, I haven't done any of the classes yet so I know I need to before I get burnt out on my routine.

So all is great there, I've also started keeping track of my calories and exercise on the Lose it! app.  Now I just have to keep going and not expect huge results, because I never get huge results.  That's just the way my body works, I've never lost weight quickly.  That's probably why I always quit.  I must say though, this time around Im trying to put in an extra effort, like doing 4 miles instead of 3 and staying longer.  Hoping I actually see some results so I will be motivated to keep going.  So that's the story with the gym.

Savannah has been good, she had a doctors appointment on Monday, her 18 month check up.

She did great, even with a HOUR of waiting! Everyone was very surprised to hear she was only 18 (almost 19) months old, because she's so tall.  But she's still a skinny little girl at only 21.5 lbs.  The doctor said her 8 mth old son is already 23 lbs- holy big baby.  So she then got 2 shots, ugh... hate that for her, but honestly the crying only lasts a matter of seconds and she's over it.

See...all it takes is drinking out of mommy's cup to make her happy. You know, even water tastes better out of mommy's cup ;)

We've done a lot of shopping this week, partly trying to stay out of the house and partly because I've been searching for a pair of tennis shoes for Savannah.  Let me tell you, it has not been easy. When I have an idea of what Im looking for and can't find it, I'll keep looking until I do.  Lets see, I went to a total of 7 different stores (ok maybe 8) throughout the week, no one has a good selection of toddler tennis shoes. The Nike outlet I went to yesterday had ONE pair of toddler Nikes to choose from, and they were black.  Uh No.  So anyway, I finally found just what I wanted and of course they didn't have her size so I had to order them.  Seriously?

This is when we were at Belk a few days ago, I decided to let her walk free from the stroller, not very smart.  She found these duckies and didn't want to leave, or move or listen to me.  That was fun.

So what else? Between the gym, trying to stay busy outside of the house and working at night that pretty much wraps up my week.

Oh! The house went up for sale on Wednesday and we got a call from the realtor yesterday that someone has already made an offer.  Say what??!! Must be an investor of some sort because he didn't even want to walk the house.  Nothing is 100% yet, we still have to wait for the banks approval.  Did I mention we were doing a Short Sale? Yes, best and only option for us.  So I will keep you posted on that.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

That Day

Sunday started out pretty good, I had to leave for work at 9am so I was up by 7 to start my crock pot chili. Then I had my cup of coffee, did a quick blog post and got ready for work.  I got my gym clothes ready so I could go straight there after work.  I headed out and did my "sunday brunch" work thing, working my tail off to get out of there by 2:00 so I could get my workout in then Shane, Savannah and I could go to the park or do something together.  I walked out of work at 2:30 and checked my phone.  (sometimes I check it throughout my shift but that particular day I didn't) I had two text messages from Shane- "someone broke into the house" my immediate thought was, could this in any way be a joke? Were we kidding around about something like this earlier and he's just messing with me? Nope.  I called him right away and could tell this was no joke.  Someone actually broke into our home in the middle of a beautiful Sunday afternoon.  And because it was such a beautiful day we had most of our windows open enjoying the perfect weather that we get so little of.  Which, apparently was the perfect opportunity for some scumbag thief to take advantage of us.  He broke in through out master bedroom window, pulled the screen out and hopped right in, easy as that.  He then ripped off one of my clean, Downy fresh pillow cases off my neatly made bed and he threw in my newest camera and it's box. He tore threw our dresser drawers, putting his hands on all of our things and what was junk to him, he just threw on the floor. He then turned to the closet and started ripping through boxes and a bag full of old glassware that was given to us by Shane's mom. He dumped out a box full of photo albums including our beautiful wedding album, just tossed aside like garbage.  The glassware which was Shane's grandmothers was dumped on the floor so the bag they were in could be used to steal more of our belongings. Im sure it was at this point that he would have headed straight into our living room and the rest of the house however his plan was interrupted when he heard the garage door open.  Shane and Savannah were home.  This is when he freaks out, grabs the bag but leaves the pillowcase behind.  Shane gets Savannah out of her car seat and walks in the house, looks to his right and thinks to himself "oh my god, someone broke in" turns right around and heads back outside.  He was holding Savannah and thought if someone was in the house, he needed to get her out.  Smart.  Shane spotted our neighbor across the street and tells him what happened, as he's doing this he sees someone walking towards them from the side empty lot.  Shane's first thought was it was another neighbor who had been hit and he was running after the guy because this guy was breathing heavy.  Shane and Buddy ask him "did you get hit too?" The man answers "yeah, yeah" gets in his white Toyota with a lawn trailer and drives off.  It's not until the police arrive and they see the pillowcase left behind and the bag full of electronics hidden in the bushes behind our house that they realize the man, "that guy breathing heavy" was the scumbag thief.  Yes, it was.  Shane described him just as he's been described to the police before since we were the 3rd or 4th house robbed that day. Unbelievable.

So when I got home, and Shane opened the door to our room, Im pretty sure my jaw hit the floor.  I was shocked and appalled. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  I couldn't believe a stranger was in our home, in our bedroom, in our things.  I couldn't believe I was looking at fingerprint dust on our light switches and closet knobs.   I couldn't believe that I could have so easily been home when this happened.  And,  I couldn't believe how this has always been a fear of mine and it was actually coming true.  I couldn't believe all of those things.

Moving Forward~

We are trying but it's not easy.  You may think, oh it was just a break in, no one was hurt, it happens all the time.  Well, it's never happened to myself or Shane, we were hurt emotionally and my god, it's so much more then just a "break-in"  For me personally, it's all about the fear.  My fears and paranoia has been such a huge part of me since I was little.  I have always been extremely fearful of someone breaking in while Im home - not to rob us- but to harm or kill me.  It may sound crazy but it's true.  And  now I have to deal with the fact that I have to spend 7-8 hours a day in this house, alone, with Savannah.  Not easy.  We stayed with family the first 2 nights after it happened, but with a baby, it's just not realistic.  So for now- Moving Forward is this:  Hurricane shutters on the windows to ease my fears slightly and a For Sale sign going up tomorrow.  You heard right, we met with the realtor today and the house is going on the market tomorrow.  We were already working towards selling our home and this was just the kick in the ass we needed.  I understand that moving into a new home isn't going to change the fact that this could happen again, but it will help me personally.  I will never be able to walk into our bedroom and not think about the scumbag thief who was in there "that day".  We gotta do what we gotta do.  We out grew this house the day Savannah was born so we are ready in many ways.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Busy Mama

So I was looking at the blog a minute ago and realized that I have put so much work into "revamping" that I haven't actually been blogging at all this week.  Kinda funny, I was even thinking of things to blog about and I was completely drawing a blank.  Just figures, right?

Well, this past week has been busy.... I picked up the Monday night shift, then worked my usual Wednesday, Friday and I'll be working tonight, and tomorrow.  Starting next week the club will be opening for dinner on Thursday so I'll be back to my Wednesday-Sunday nightly schedule.  I'm ready for it, it's been busy which means the money has been great.  So between working and starting back at the gym....Yep, once again.  Im not making a big deal about it, since this is my 2,167,452,978 time starting "again", I'm just enjoying it, feeling good and hoping this time- it clicks.  I'll keep you posted on that.

Savannah has been going with me to the gym in the morning, and she enjoys playing in the kid care for the hour that we are there. I missed music class this week, but I'm still going to try and go at least once a week since she loves it so much

Sooooo, with all that, I don't believe I have taken one picture in the past 5 days.  That must be a record. And since a blog post isn't complete without a picture or video, I decided to look back at this exact day on the blog last year, and here's what I found...

Enjoy the throwback!

Savannah's been a busy girl!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A work in progress....

The blog, that is! More changes! The header is still being worked on and I can't seem to find a background that I really really like, yes I have to doubly like it.

Update: It's been changed and I LOVE it!