Wednesday, August 8, 2012

For the Love of her Crocs

It's been about a week and a half now that Savannah has been obsessed with wearing her Crocs. She insists on wearing them from the time she wakes up till the time she goes to bed. Literally when I grab her out of her crib in the morning she points over to where her shoes are kept and says "Gee, Gee", that what she calls her shoes.  We think she's trying to say shoe, but not sure.  It's pretty adorable so we can't tell her no and besides her wanting to climb on the furniture with them on, it  doesn't hurt any thing.  It's funny because she's not super attached to a stuffed animal or blanket (well, she does have a favorite blanket but doesn't have to have it all the time) She chose her crocs for her security "toy"

I love these cute little phases...

 "Put em' on Mom, Put em' on"
 eating breakfast...notice the shoes
 watching on....
 I put her crocs up so I could put her down for a nap,
 and she went and grabbed her sandals
 I put her shoes on the baby doll and Savannah 
was nice enough to let her wear them for about a half a second
YAY! She just put both shoes on, on the right feet, all by her self!! 
Do we have a genius on our hands or what??

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