Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Making of an Oompa Loompa

I started thinking of costumes for Savannah about a month ago, I came across a bunch of cute princess', minnie mouse, elmo's, bunny rabbits, etc.  They were all adorable, yet my creative side completely took over.  I wanted to make her costume, something cute but something a little different.  So I came across a picture of a homemade Oompa Loompa toddler costume. I LOVED it, and I love that movie, I mean who doesn't?  So I thought, I would give it a try.

Here goes....

 The supplies

cut out of the shorts  

 after sewing the shorts together .....
(by hand- it took me forever, because HELLO, I don't know what Im doing)

 ...they were too small on her, so onto making a bigger pair.  
As you can see, that is not my hand; I enlisted a helper. Who actually ahem takes measurements.

What to do with the too small pair of shorts that I put an hour of time into... 
and multiple needle pricks in my finger? 
Turn them into hat of course!!

painting stripes on the tights

and the shirt

making the little balls for her shoes

 Done.  Painting felt isn't easy.

All I had left to do was the suspenders and painting and sewing on the buttons.

Homemade costumes are definitely budget friendly (this one anyway), however they are not time friendly. So I just worked on it here and there during nap time and after she went to bed.

Shirt and shoes - consignment shop :  $7

Felt, paint, buttons - JoAnns : $8

Tights - (on clearance at Target) : $1.25

Green Hair Spray - Free

Total : $16.25

And all that time paid off when we dressed her and saw the cuteness that is.....


I tried my hardest to get a picture of her in full costume looking, smiling and holding the cardboard Wonka bar I made.  Yeah.  That wasn't happening.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Carving & Sensational Saturday

Our little girl was NOT into carving the pumpkin! Not that she could do much obviously, but she didn't want to put her hand into the pumpkin or touch any of the "insides", who could blame her really? The tradition is a little strange.  But the outcome is very cute :)

See what I mean? Cute!

Saturday, as Shane finished up helping his parents move, Savannah and I went to Kids Fest.  It was fun, lots of kids, candy, bounce houses (which she's still too small for,  those kids get ca-razy in there) and Ponys! She had her first pony ride, she was a little hesitate at first but I just told her she was ok and  needed to give it a try.  I was right there with her the whole time and she did great.

Pretty girl with pretty piggys

  Such a pretty park

 I know I have vented before about my hatred of sand, but here I go again.... I despise playgrounds surrounded by sand, I mean seriously?! Whats wrong with mulch?  Grrrrrrr....

 She's a natural ;)

 Yes, it's a picture of the back of her head, but a much better picture of her on Mr. Pony 

 Little Girl, BIG Balloon


We played outside a little after her nap....

 .... then dinner at Olive Garden

 ...and McDonalds for a quick ice cream cone. 

Another great day if I do say so myself :) 

Friday, October 26, 2012

The many faces of Savannah


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Little Miss Addelyn had her birthday party at music class yesterday.  Outside playtime, music, pizza & cupcakes...another great  day for Savannah....and mommy ;)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Simple Sunday

I got lucky with having today off, I was for sure I would be scheduled to work today as it's the first Sunday brunch of the season.  So the day started with Shane and my mom having their first meeting regarding their new business, I haven't talked about it at all, but it's something we have been working towards for a couple of years now.  All went great, and we are hoping it just gets better from here.  I'll expand on the business as it progresses; I'd hate to jinx it. We spent a little time playing outside since the weather was awesome today! I almost fell over when I opened the front door this morning and was hit with cold air.  Then Shane headed over to help his parents with their move while Savannah napped.  Once he got home, we were off to the pumpkin patch, she had fun looking at and making her way through all the pumpkins. When we got home it was time to cook dinner so we'll carve our pumpkin tomorrow night.

Work has been going great, I worked a wedding Saturday night which was a lot of fun.  I worked quite a few weddings last season and I just enjoy them. Not only do we make really good money; there's always good music, everyone is happy, drinking and having a great time.   And it helps that I love the people I work with, we always have fun :)

She loves being outside!

 Oooh! What's this mom??
 Since their meeting was just down the road, Gam stopped by for a visit :)
 Then Daddy got home
 She's excited
 "How about this one guys?"
 "Maybe this one?"
 She looked over at this little guy and said "Hi Baby"

 One big, One small, and One dirty look