Friday, December 31, 2010

12/31/10 24 weeks

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas, ours was good.  My mom came down to spend it with us and Shane's family.  A lot of good food and family so you can't get much better than that.  Savannah made out pretty well, she got her new pack 'n' play (which I LOVE!!) a few new outfits and a couple other things.  My mom got us a new dishwasher which has been great! I forgot what we were missing...I know it will really come in handy when Baby S arrives. We also got a new video camera so we can catch every milestone and share it with the family :)

Not much else to report, Im feeling good, but definitely getting bigger.  Im really starting to notice the changes in my body.  My stomach is becoming much harder and I think my belly button looks a little  I also think "pregnancy brain" has kicked in.

Baby Savannah is moving around constantly; I feel her mostly in the afternoon and night.  I think we even saw her kick last night! Shane hasnt been able to feel her yet but I'm pretty sure we saw her, she's definitely very active.  I read that she weighs over a pound and is about the size of an ear of corn.....mmmmm corn...hahaha

Having fun with the camera this morning...this is probably about the most fun we'll be having this New Years Eve.  Boy how things change!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

12/30/10 OMG! Only 114 days left!

  View Details ClipArt                                                     

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Movie Quotes

"You have a a bar!"

Something I just saw made me think of this quote from Sweet Home Alabama

You can call it a restaurant all you want people but let's be honest, its a BAR.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

12/19/10 Thoughts on Being a Good Mom

Just some things on my mind that I feel like sharing.

Being pregnant has my mind spinning and my emotions roaring.  I never thought of myself as a "deep" person but it seems lately that has changed somewhat.  I feel so connected to this little one growing inside me that I find myself constantly thinking of our new lives together.  Shane and I are always talking about all the things were going to do with her and things were going to teach her, trips we'll go on, watching her grow, all these wonderful things we have to look forward to.  Being 30 years old and just having my first child is a little different then the way I had pictured it years ago but I know now that that is the way it was meant to be.  Shane and I were meant to meet 6 years ago, fall in love,  have 5 years for just each other; to travel, to come and go as we pleased, to just enjoy each other and our freedom. He would make me wait all these years to make my dreams come true (something I now appreciate, but despised for a long long time).  So now we are in this wonderful place together.  We are both ready for this new adventure in life and to give our little girl the best life we possibly can.  So all of this has got me thinking how some parents take every opportunity they can to spend time away from their little ones. I just don't get it.  I think when you have children at a young age you tend to feel that your own childhood has been taken away so you try to get it back by behaving like you're single and free.  Not that its right but I get it. But when you're older and have kids, what's your excuse?

  Im just saying that I want to be a good mom and Im going to do my best to do so.  Plain and simple. The biggest part of being a great parent is being there and not having other people raise your child. They grow up so fast and I don't want to miss a thing. So many things happen in their first year of life and if we have it our way we'll be there, camera in hand to witness every bit of it.

I must admit, whether anyone reads this post or not, I feel so much better having written it.

Friday, December 17, 2010

12/17/10 Showing off at 22 weeks

All is good, just growing growing growing.  Feeling a lot of movement and loving every minute of it :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

12/14/10 Who will baby Savannah look like??

I just can't wait to see her, will she look more like shane? more like me?  or a combination of both? Hmmm...I think she'll be a combination of both of us... Pretty strawberry blond hair and maybe green eyes? Oh and some adorable freckles on her face...  What do you think?

Or maybe she'll look like our other kids?


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

12/10/10 21 Weeks and an Ultrasound

We put up our Christmas tree last night......

Everything went great at our ultrasound, baby Savannah is 13 oz and the doctor says everything looks perfect.  Shane's parents came with us and got to see the ultrasound, it was nice having them there to see her "live"  :)

Here she is....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

12/08/10 She's a Mover & a Shaker!

Our little girl has been very busy this week, I've been feeling her move every day! Monday night as I was laying in bed, I had my hand on my stomach and felt her was so neat. That was the first time Ive felt her on the outside.  Now if only her daddy could feel her........soon enough :) 

Just some thoughts I'd like to share......
I've always had body issues, issues with weight, constantly trying to lose weight and being self conscious of the way I look, which is a horrible and terribly draining way to live.  BUT I must say that Ive never been so comfortable with my body and the way that I look now that Im pregnant,  which is funny since Im gaining weight. Theres this new sense of "this is me" and "this is how I look", no sucking in, no trying to squeeze into pants that don't fit.  Im just This body of mine that Ive hated for so long is growing a baby, actually growing a person inside myself.  How amazing is that?  For the first time in probably 10 years I walk around not feeling ashamed of my body but being proud of it and what it can do.  I just hope that this feeling will continue after my little girl arrives and I can instill in her that no matter what, she is beautiful.

And here I am, big baby belly and all

Monday, December 6, 2010

12/5/10 1 year down, many many more to go!

1 year Anniversary, this was taken last night after a very full day of surprises, shopping and lots of good food! What a great day we had, Shane really out did himself.  I couldn't ask for a better husband, Savannah and I are so lucky to have him...

Too bad OT and Lola can't take pictures, that would really come in handy.

Friday, December 3, 2010

12/3/10 Half way there!!!..unless she's a little early of course ;)

20 weeks today...

So Im not loving this picture of myself, but it's all I had and we havent posted a pic in a while.... thought I'd share that with everyone

Look what Grandma & Grandpa Burnley got Savannah....

How cute are these? I love them!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

11/27/10 Sick Mama

Sorry we've been MIA on the blog lately. I started to feel like I was coming down with a cold last Monday and sure enough I woke up Tuesday feeling absolutely horrible. I was down for 2 straight days, felt like I was on my death bed. Of course being pregnant, there's not much I can take to help it. I called the doctors to find out what I can take and there are a few things but not much. I started to feel a little better on Thursday but its still lingering. I can't get rid of this sinus congestion.

We had a quiet Thanksgiving, Shane's parents went to Alabama for the week and my mom couldn't come down until Friday so thats when we had our dinner. Everything was good, I haven't seen my mom in 2 months so its nice spending time with her, wish my sister and niece were here :(

Baby Savannah is doing good, 19 weeks yesterday. I can't believe Im already at the half way point! I haven't felt a lot of movement from her lately but I was so out of it the past few days I think I actually forgot about being pregnant. Hopefully she'll start moving around more soon :)

Hope everyone had a great holiday!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Flowers, balloons and first baby outfit, oh my!

I couldn't resist this when I was at Target last night...

My boss brought the balloon in for me this morning and then to my surprise my in laws sent me the flowers!  What a great day, all this and a baby girl too!  

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

11/10/10 First Baby Kick!

So for the past week or so I've been paying close attention to any possible baby movements I might feel.  And I think I have felt some but can't be positve thats what they were......until now! I would say Im 99% sure that I felt our baby move this morning, it was so exciting even though Im at work and couldnt cry and/or shout at the rooftops like I wanted haha.  So I think this baby of ours like to move while Im at work, sitting.  I've been trying to feel something every night and every morning and nothing.  But today and every other time I thought I felt something it was at work.  Anyway, Im praying thats what it was because even after several positve pregnancy tests, doctor confirmation, hearing the heartbeat and 2 ultrasounds; for some reason I still need to be assured that there is in fact a baby in there.  I guess being a worrying mother starts even this early on!

11/10/10 Almost 17 weeks

Look, no belly!
And magically, it appears

So there is definitely no hiding it at this point, not that I want to or anything.  Im loving this baby belly of mine!  Only 5 more days till we know...we are counting down! This baby better cooperate :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

15 Week Update

So week 15 has begun, not much has changed.  The nausea is pretty much gone and I think Im showing, well, sometimes.  Most of the time I see a bump, sometimes not so much.  Sometimes it just looks like Ive gained 10 lbs all in my belly.  Oh well, I know before long there will be no hiding this belly of mine.  Besides that, Shane and I can't wait to find out if we're having a baby girl or a baby boy, just 2 more weeks! I think after that time will go by a little faster, I can really start planning and preparing. Plus the holidays are coming and thats always a busy time. Before you know it baby Burnley will be here and I just can't wait to meet my little freckle face :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Starting on the baby's room

So last weekend we got the baby's room all cleaned out, what a job that was! You never realize how much stuff you accumulate in your "junk room".  But we did finish and decided we wanted to pull up the carpet and put down laminate wood flooring.  So we went to Home Depot today and picked out one that we liked and Shane has just about got it finished.  What a good Daddy, working so hard and we still have  6 1/2 months to go! He's so excited, and who can blame him?!

Here he is hard at work:

Before (yes that is a picture of George Castanza on the wall, big Seinfeld fans, think the baby would mind)?

Hard at work

With an adorable smile on his face the whole time!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Otis is hoping for a brother

p.s. He said he's single so if there is any ladies interested leave a comment

10/1/10 Second Appointment

Well, the Doc said Candi and the Baby are doing great. We got to meet one of the three midwives Zoe. She has a great personality so Candi and I both really liked her. Our next visit will be at the end of this month...We'll keep you posted

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Just when I thought I was going to be one of the lucky women who goes through her pregnancy without any sickness; it hit me.  I started feeling nauseous shortly after I got to work.  I ate a little and started to feel better then it came back so I ate a little more thinking that would help like it had in the past...but it didn't.  I took a break and sat in my car for a little while then when back to work.  Still wasn't feeling good so I decided to leave work early.  Ugh.  The nauseous feeling didn't go away until Shane and I went for a walk around 6:00.  Who would have thought that would do it?  I really hope this doesn't last long, feeling like to have to constantly vomit is an awful feeling.

My mom came to visit over the weekend, we had a great time.  We ate, shopped and ate some more! We wanted to do some baby shopping but its really still too early to buy anything besides diapers, which we did get plenty of....

We also figured out how to Skype with my sister and Maddie in Michigan, so that was a lot of fun.  Now not only do I get to see Maddie when I talk to her but they get to see me as I grow and all the fun baby stuff that we buy along the way.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Finally we met Anthony...

He is teeny tiny and just as sweet as can be.

I hope I look that good after just giving birth!

Best Friends since High School and now look at them; on their way to becoming great dads!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Anthony Lee Rice!

Tony and Laura had their baby boy at 6:19am this morning; little Anthony arrived about 3 weeks early.  They all seem to be doing great! Shane and I will be heading down to see them after I get off work today, I can't wait to meet him and we couldn't be happier for the two of them.  Now I can get some newborn experience in before our little one arrives :)

Here he is..

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I just wanted to give everyone an update...At week 6 & 7 Candi started feeling nauseous and had a lack of energy. I think she was in bed by 8 every night. Thankfully it didn't last long...Now if only I can get her back in the kitchen. She will be 9 weeks Friday and is doing great. Our next doctors appointment is Oct. 1 and that's when I'll post the new ultrasound picture.

To be continued...