Thursday, May 16, 2013

After her shots last Monday, I decided to take her to McDonalds for a treat and a little playtime.  She's now at the age where the doctor is scary to her,  she was a very sad little girl and my heart broke for her.  It was awful to watch.  BUT this made it better :)

 A little later, looking so pretty...

It's so neat to watch my little girl playing with my Barbies from when I was a little girl.  I knew I saved them for a reason.

A beautiful evening for a bike ride...

And to play catch in the front yard....

 Dinner with Mimi...

At the eye doctor for her Stye.  She's all ready to go! This appointment wasn't half as traumatic, thank god.

Another gorgeous day for the park, THIS is why I LOVE being home with my munchkin, we get to have fun together!

Chick-fil-a Family night with the Rice's.  Checking out baby Ethan....

This morning when I went to get her out of bed this is what I found...but she was also sucking her thumb lol

The things you do for your kids... She wanted me to wear her glasses and then she proceeded to take my picture...

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Life Lately...

It's about that time to show the blog a little love....

I only have a few before I need to get Savannah and I ready for gym; speaking of the gym- SkinnyCandi is still in the works, although I was definitely side tracked through the move.   Trying to squeeze a workout in, all while packing, driving back and forth from new to old house, cleaning as I go, all while taking care of Savannah's needs and before heading to work at 3:30- just wasn't happening. But I did continue to weigh in every Friday to hold myself accountable and to make sure I wasn't gaining...and you know what? I didn't!! I've actually lost 3 lbs in the past month, which Im super happy about.  Those 3 lbs put me right at a total of 30 lbs gone! As of this week Im back to my regular routine; back on my mission of losing the last 20.

The move is going great, we're getting settled in and really enjoying our new pad! We have so much more room and I can't tell you how much I love it! I know for Shane the closing on our old home was a little bittersweet. He build that house 10 years ago, it was his first home after moving out of his parents and it was a huge accomplishment for him.  It was also the only home we lived in together, it's where we brought our daughter home to and where we had a billion memories. But like most of us, as your family grows you tend to outgrow your home and you have to make the tough decision to move on.  And unfortunately sometimes you have to take a few steps backward in trying to move forward.  Which is the decision we made when deciding that a short sale was our best option. It has been a huge step for us, but in the end we know we did the right thing.  Savannah has been great with all of it also, she just goes with the flow, easy peasy that child of mine.  Love her to pieces.

Shane and my Mom are still working on getting their business up and running, they were on a roll then something came up with the license so we're just waiting on one issue to be taken care of and we should be good to go.  All three of us couldn't be more ready for this, but especially Shane, I know he is so ready to get back to what he's best at and what he loves doing.

My job is ok, season is coming to an end so I'll be working less and less.  I took last summer off but I won't be able to do that this year so we'll see what happens's kind of up in the air right now.

I think that about catches us up on most everything.. So I leave you with some pictures :) Enjoy!

 Last day in her old room..

 "Helping" us move...

 Breakfast break on last day of the move...

 Birthday present from mommy & daddy... Yay!!

 Putting it together...

There is never a moment where she doesn't have an accessory on; shoes (or shoe) headbands, necklaces, sunglasses, hair ties, bracelets, etc.. and it starts from the second she wakes up, like in the picture above...
 New outfit!

 Friday lunch at Mickey D's ... We've gone the last 2 or 3 Friday's together; she loves it and so do I :)

 Date night...

 Shane took last Monday off so we took Savannah to Lakes Park...

 Watching Free Willy...

 Cheezin' before bedtime...

Riding the train at Wal-mart.. Choo Choo!!