Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We interrupt this "Wordless Wednesday" to bring you...

Savannah is officially sitting up on her own  (well, for at least a few seconds anyway)

This was just a few hours ago

We were on the floor playing and all the sudden she was up and she actually crawled a little,  so we got out the camera and she was trying her hardest...


Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Our favorite kind of night out...

Our favorite kind of night out before would never have consisted of a park or playground.  It was more like going out to our favorite restaurant just in time for happy hour, staying a few hours and spending a lot of money.  Well, not so much anymore.   Now it's all about finding baby friendly things to do with Savannah.  It really is amazing how adaptable you can be.  For years your life is one way and all the sudden it's a new way. But I guess when the new way is something you wanted for so so long, it just feels right. So now life is all about Savannah and doing things with and for her; this is exactly the way it should be. And to tell you the truth,  I'll take a night out at the park over sitting in some stinky bar any day.  (did I really just say that?) ;)

So last night we hit up the local park.....

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Mall

Today we met up with Tony, Laura and Anthony at a local farmers market; I read about it online the other day and they made it sound like it was going to be this "huge" thing.  Well, it wasn't.  There were hardly any vendors there, not to mention it was SO hot! Guess I've jumped the gun a tad on the outdoor activities.  So we ended up going to the mall to get a bite to eat and walk around with the babies....

The men and their strollers; how cute
I love this one
Meet the Rice's
Sweet Savannah

Friday, September 23, 2011

Savannah's 1st Time at the Park

Every Thursday they have a Farmers Market downtown under the bridge, so I decided to take Savannah yesterday morning.  We had such a good time.  First we checked out the market then took a walk over to the park.  She enjoyed the swings (her first time) then we met a sweet little girl Stella, her Grandma Rose and Roses' friend Magda.  They were all so nice, we talked for a while then watched Stella try to play with Savannah.  She's still too little but she enjoyed just watching.  Then we took a walk along the water, sat by the fountain and by that point I was over the heat so we headed home.  Well actually we headed to Publix, but that's home away from home, right? Even though it's still pretty hot out, we had a great time.  It was so nice getting out of the house, I can't tell you how excited I am about the fall and winter coming up.. Cool weather?  Yes please!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Quality Time

It's so easy to get caught up in cleaning, laundry or being on the computer that I really like to make sure I get quality time in with Savannah each day.  Time spent where it's all about her, no computer and no TV.  I love to go in her room, which has always felt very peaceful and relaxing to me. We'll play on the floor, or I'll turn on a little music and we'll dance around.  She loves that! This morning, I chose our room.  Again, to me our room is also very relaxing.  (maybe it has something to do with the TV not being on) I put a blanket down and we just played, cuddled, laughed and chatted a little.  Even though I did a lot of the talking, I like to think she understood most of it :)

And of course, it just wouldn't be me if I didn't have the camera near by....

Monday, September 19, 2011

Doctors and Shots

Savannah had a doctor's appointment today.  We were there a total of two hours- 15 minutes of which was spent with the doctor.  They are really lucky I have such a good baby, she never fussed or cried once....well until she got her shots.  Poor thing, it was so sad.  Last time, Shane and I went together and he stayed in the room with her while they did the shots (mommy was a big wuss and was hiding in the hallway) This time, Shane couldn't be there so I had to suck it up and be tough.  I tried my hardest but seeing those crocodile tears was just too much for me.  Luckily, that only lasted maybe 5 minutes and then she was fine.  Tired but fine.  Me? I'm still recovering.

Note to self:  Bring Daddy for her 6 month shots.

So with all the waiting we did, I decided to play photographer while Savannah enjoyed the mirror...

Oh yeah, we were very curious to find out how much she weighed; about a month ago she was 13 lbs so I guessed she was a solid 15.  Well, my friends we have a very petite little girl on hands 13.75 lbs.  But she grew about 2" she's long and lean-just like her mama.  Yeah. Right.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Does it get any better than this?

I don't think so.....

Anthony turns One!

First, a look back....

(click the links below to view my blog posts 1 year ago)

Welcome to the world.....

Finally we met.....

Yesterday Anthony turned 1!  It was Savannah's first birthday party and she had a great time.  Every one was so sweet to her and wanted to hold her.  There was lots of delicious food, cake and even Savannah got a gift! Tony's mom Karen was nice enough to pick out the cutest outfit for her, so thank you again for that, how thoughtful!  I can't believe Anthony is already 1; it's funny every time he hits a milestone I feel like I get a peek into our future.

Here's some pictures from our day at the party....

Tony's b-day is the 29th, so he got a cake too

Heading home, Savannah was asleep in about 2 minutes

Friday, September 16, 2011

Someone's 5 months old Today!

Savannah turns 5 months old today! Wow, I can't believe it.  She has changed so incredibly much in just 5 short months.  She went from being a tiny little 6 lb newborn who I could snuggle in my arms and watch her sleep;  to now being a very active baby who is interested in everything, who smiles all the time and who makes me smile right back at her.  No matter what is going on in our lives I can count on this little girl to make me want to be a better person and most of all, a better mom.  It is definitely true what "they" say, you never think you can love something so much.  She brings the purest sense of happiness to our lives and I will always be grateful for that.

Happy 5 months my sweet baby girl!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Look at my big girl!

I just walked in her room and this is what I saw....

I couldn't believe it- she was sitting up!  Shane and I have been working with her on sitting up on her own for the past week or so.  She's still a little wobbly and usually ends up falling to the side but she's getting there! Mommy is so proud of her little but big girl! :)

Peaches Please

The only solid food Savannah has been eating for the past 3 weeks is the rice cereal so I wanted to get back to trying new foods.  I went with the peaches we had in the fridge.  I steamed them for about 10-15 minutes, pureed then mixed with rice cereal.   I make the rice with formula instead of water since she enjoys that taste so much.

Took me only 5 seconds to puree!  
I use store bought rice only because when I made it myself
the consistency was sticky and kinda funky
rice and peaches...yummy!
"um, what IS this mom??"
"are you trying to confuse me mommy?"

She sure made some funny faces while I was feeding her so I ended up adding even more rice cereal to it.  She ate about half of the little cup.  We'll try again with her afternoon feeding.

A little tid bit from (great website)

The Goodness of Peaches & Nectarines for Your Baby

Peaches are high in Vitamin C and Vitamin A and they contain a great amount of fiber. Peaches are known to have a diuretic affect and also are a natural laxative. Along with Prunes/Plums, the Peach is a great fruit to give to your baby if constipation has become a problem.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Happy Friday!

I'm so tired right now that I'll just leave you with pictures from our day....
So happy!
Hi there
Her new float
I love swimming with my Daddy