Friday, June 29, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Visit from Mom

My mom came down on Tuesday and stayed through this afternoon.  We had a good time as we usually do...

 Lunch at Bob Evans
 Thanks Gram!
 Hmmm..which color do I want?  PINK of course!
 More help from Gram...
Another great shopping trip at Target :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pool Days

My In-laws were out of town and were nice enough to let us use their pool.  The weather wasn't very cooperative though.  From the day they left, the sun pretty much went into hiding.  That didn't stop us, since it wasn't raining (at the time) we went swimming anyway. Thanks Mema & Papa, we had a blast!

Friday, June 22, 2012

A Peek into Savannah's World

I had quite a few short videos on my phone so I decided to put them all together to share with everyone.  Nothing too exciting, just Savannah being sweet Savannah...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

More Summer Fun...

Finally, our internet is working again!

Savannah and I have been enjoying our summer, spending lots of time at the park, play dates with Laura and Anthony, swimming at mema and papa's and going to the gym to play while we get our workout on .... The trick to being a stay at home mom? Stay busy!

Sorry about the blurry pictures, my iphone takes much better pictures outside :(

 No more pictures mom!
 We had to get pictures in her 1st nightgown, I mean c'mon
 Hmmm...what's she up to?
 Chick-fil-a with Laura & Anthony (horrible picture, I know)
Taking pictures can be a pain so sometimes I just have to put the camera down and enjoy.  
 Silly butt
 She just fed herself an entire bowl of spaghetti, it was EVERYWHERE! 
Oh and she had major tude that night, can you tell?
 Take me for a ride Mommy! She loves it, but boy is it a back killer for me..
 Play time at the house with Anthony, who clearly didn't want to be in this picture.  
Who can blame him there were new toys to play with!
 Dinner at Chili's - the kid's got balloons!
 Savannah didn't want to let the balloon go until bedtime....
and that's only because I had to steal it from her
 Finally, Daddy gets to go to the park
 Fathers Day..
And look who has Daddy's balloon....
 We spent Fathers Day at the in-laws. We went swimming, but the pool was a little too cold for Savannah, well, even for me.  It's kinda hard to get pictures of her swimming when you're both in the pool with her :( 
 Cousin Eli didn't mind, maybe because he just finished mowing the yard?
 Hanging in the backyard
 Watching papa pull up
 Fun at McDonalds
 She LOVES feeding herself these days
 She also LOVES watching the
 Baby Genius Favorite Nursery Rhymes DVD
Swing me mom!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Couch Potato

Savannah has now mastered getting on the couch by herself.  It's so funny because once she's on she just cracks up! She laughs and laughs as she jumps and throws herself around, it's pretty darn cute.  So now, besides the bed she has pretty much taken over the entire house.

Happy Girl!

No matter what Savannah always finds her favorite toy, even at Publix!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Silly Savannah at it again

 She loves this toy basket! She'll dump all the toys out so she can sit in it or she'll hop in right on top of the toys.  Other times she will flip it over just to sit and look adorable. ;)

But today she wanted to sit with her flamingo friend....

 She had flamingo all set up but when she hopped on, he fell off and I got  "the face"

I love watching her when she's really trying to accomplish something, it's just so cute!

Back at the park...

Last Wednesday, Savannah and I met up with Laura and Anthony at the park

And it pooped her right out!

We met them again on Monday and we'll be heading back tomorrow.
Im trying to go about 3 days a week, she just loves it (and it makes nap time much easier!)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Mommy's 32nd Birthday

Yes, my 32nd came and went yesterday.  I got to spend it with my sweet baby girl, my hubby, friends and family.  Can't ask for much more than that.  Here's my day in iPhotos....

(here's last year's birthday post... just look at how little my baby girl is..  another-birthday-for-me)

 Happy Birthday Mommy! She's still the best birthday present ever.

Papa called and invited us out for a birthday breakfast,
 so I got Savannah all prettied up! 

 We had a yummy breakfast at Perkins

 We couldn't leave mema out, so we stopped by to visit her at work

 After Savannah's nap, we did a little shopping.  She loved trying on the sunglasses!

 After shopping, we went to the local Kia dealership,  It was "HugeFest", a concert of country singers and Styx performing live, and they were giving away $250,000 - $10, 000 to 25 people! Plus 2 or 3 car giveaways.  Shane and I, his parents and Tony & Laura had all put our names in the drawing.  My name was in 3 times for both the car and the money.  For some reason I had a good feeling about it.  Maybe because it was my birthday, not sure.  But I really thought I had a good chance, I mean 25 winners?!! 

Savannah was showing off her Peek-a-boo skills to Laura

Well, unfortunately no win for me or Shane or anyone we knew.  Insert sad face.  
We had an ok time.  I was worried about the heat but it ended up being completely over cast the entire time so that was great, but it was still pretty humid and there were SO many people there. Too many people and not enough space and not enough food and drink vendors to support that kind of crowd.  We honestly waited in line for 30 minutes for a soda.  Crazy.  Savannah did really well, except when she tripped and fell on the pavement.  Her face got a little scratched up but she was ok.  We left around 8:00 and she was pooped! They still had to do 10 more drawings but I knew it was already past her bedtime so we had to get our munchkin home.  It really worked out because we're so close to the dealership that we were able to hear them calling out the names from our back porch.  I figured if I heard my name, I could hop in the car and be there in a nano second to claim my moo-lah.  But again, that didn't happen.  We did get to enjoy the Styx concert that ended the show while we enjoyed a birthday beer together.  

All in all, a great birthday.  Oh, except Im another year older and not 10 grand richer.