Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Making of an Oompa Loompa

I started thinking of costumes for Savannah about a month ago, I came across a bunch of cute princess', minnie mouse, elmo's, bunny rabbits, etc.  They were all adorable, yet my creative side completely took over.  I wanted to make her costume, something cute but something a little different.  So I came across a picture of a homemade Oompa Loompa toddler costume. I LOVED it, and I love that movie, I mean who doesn't?  So I thought, I would give it a try.

Here goes....

 The supplies

cut out of the shorts  

 after sewing the shorts together .....
(by hand- it took me forever, because HELLO, I don't know what Im doing)

 ...they were too small on her, so onto making a bigger pair.  
As you can see, that is not my hand; I enlisted a helper. Who actually ahem takes measurements.

What to do with the too small pair of shorts that I put an hour of time into... 
and multiple needle pricks in my finger? 
Turn them into hat of course!!

painting stripes on the tights

and the shirt

making the little balls for her shoes

 Done.  Painting felt isn't easy.

All I had left to do was the suspenders and painting and sewing on the buttons.

Homemade costumes are definitely budget friendly (this one anyway), however they are not time friendly. So I just worked on it here and there during nap time and after she went to bed.

Shirt and shoes - consignment shop :  $7

Felt, paint, buttons - JoAnns : $8

Tights - (on clearance at Target) : $1.25

Green Hair Spray - Free

Total : $16.25

And all that time paid off when we dressed her and saw the cuteness that is.....


I tried my hardest to get a picture of her in full costume looking, smiling and holding the cardboard Wonka bar I made.  Yeah.  That wasn't happening.


Christie said...

I want to make this costume for my Grandson. Lots of good ideas. Looks very cute and unique.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! I'm so glad I decided to make her costume, it turned out much better than I thought it would. Homemade costumes are the best! Last year I made her a 50's girl costume and it was adorable. I'm gonna try to keep the tradition going. Good luck and send me pic when you're done!