Monday, April 18, 2011


I thought giving birth was the hardest thing Ive ever done until I had to leave the hospital today without my little girl.  They are keeping her in progressive care until Wednesday so she can get 3 days of antibiotics.  They believe she has a slight infection and are just being cautious. I never thought this was the way things would go especially after such a healthy pregnancy; goes to show you just never know.  Im trying to be strong and be positive but honestly I don't think Im doing so well.  We're praying that her lab work comes back clear on Wednesday and we can bring her home where she belongs.  So please say a little prayer for sweet Savannah for us.


Unknown said...

I will say lots of prayers for Savannah but it won't stop you and Shane from worry. This is the heartbreak of parenthood and it's a completely helpless feeling. When Devon was born he was jaundice and they kept him in the hospital for a full week before we could bring him home. We were at the hospital for every feeding and I felt good about that but I cried all the way home. One of the worst weeks of my life. Savannah will be fine and you will be bringing her home before you know it. Take care of yourself she will need you when she gets home:)

Monica said...

Condratulations to the both of you, she is absolutly beautiful! We are all praying sweetie. I am so proud of you and your little family. Stay strong good things will come. I love you, Aunt Monica

Shane said...

Thanks Phylss, it was probably the hardest thing Ive done, but I now that she is home it is a distant memory. I know what you mean, every time we left her, my heart broke a little more. We are very lucky that it was only five days and not any longer. I feel so bad for the parents of babies who are in there for months at a time, I dont know how they do it. Thanks for your support, hope to see you soon.


Shane said...

Thank you Monica! We love you too! And thank you for the support and prayers