Friday, April 29, 2011

Just Pictures...

She's hiding

Their nightly routine

Just look at that face

Lola hiding out (not sure if she's hiding from the baby or the thunder?)

I just love this child!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Savannah's 12 days old...already!

I'll start out by saying I am loving being a new mommy.  I never really thought of myself as a very "maternal" kind of person and Im sure most people who know me would agree.   But I will say that now that I have my own little girl, the mother in me has taken over.  I love taking care of her and learning about her.  Every day she becomes a little more alert and I love watching her.  She's just amazing. Period. We are so lucky to have her in our lives.

Im hoping to do a labor/delivery and an update video this weekend.  My mom is down for the week so I should be able to do the videos on Saturday.

She's dreamin'

So pretty

Finally starting to feel a little more like myself

Thanks for visiting Laura and Anthony, and Laura thanks for all your help!

Anthony was a good boy, as usual :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

1 week Postpartum

It's a little strange not being pregnant anymore.  As uncomfortable as I was the last 2 months; I must say there is a part of me that misses a way.  Its hard to explain, I love that she is finally here and home with us but being pregnant was such an incredible experience and so quickly it's just ...over.

I have a new found respect for my body and what it can do.  Going through the amazing experience of being pregnant then going through the labor and delivery (notice how I left out the word amazing? lol) and now adapting to not being pregnant anymore and all the changes in my body is well..amazing.  I gained a total of 35 lbs which actually isnt all that bad.  I wish I wasn't so hard on myself and my weight during my pregnancy.  I haven't weighed myself since giving birth but I will as soon as I can get to a scale.  Im very curious to see what I weigh now.  Im already thinking about getting back to some kind of workout routine, even if it is just daily walks.  I froze my gym membership at about 7 months, and  I will eventually unfreeze it but not now.  Im going to take it slow, enjoy my baby girl and try not to worry too much about getting the weight off.  If I keep eating the way Ive been eating (or should I say not eating?) then I shouldn't have any problem losing the weight.  Eating used to be a priority in my life, but not so much these past few days.

Ok, so this isnt the best side by side comparison but I had to work with what I had.

38 weeks
1 week postpartum

Happy Easter!

Thank you Gram Grandpa and Beck!

Thank you Suncoast Beverage!

So sweet

Uh-O, someone's hungry...

First walk with Mommy & Daddy 

First "real" bath (the first one didnt go so well..haha)

Nothing like a baby fresh out of the bath

Happy Easter

Where ever we go, he goes

Friday, April 22, 2011

Just Pictures...

We are loving having our sweet angel home; here are a few pictures from the past couple of days...

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Savannah is Home!

After an extremely long day at the hospital yesterday, Savannah Summer was finally discharged around 8 pm.  She sure put us to the test last night but I think we're doing pretty good with all of it.  Our lives have already changed so much but we are enjoying every second.  Life is Savannah right now and that is perfectly fine with us!  Shane and I both got about 3 hours of sleep last night and between visitors, feedings, diaper changes, walking the dogs and two flower deliveries; have actually managed to squeeze in an hour nap today.

I think I have learned that no matter how prepared and organized you are nothing can prepare you for bringing home your first baby.  The house is slightly chaotic and there isn't a corner where there isn't something of Savannah's but again, thats ok.  I don't expect to get a routine or schedule down for at least a month.  The most important thing is that Savannah is home, she is healthy and beautiful and Shane and I couldn't be happier.

Exhausted, but so happy to be taking our little girl home.

First visit with Grandma Burnley

First visit from Laura and Anthony

Uh-oh, I think this means he likes her...

So tired

Thank you Aunt Brini, Uncle Devon and Cousin Maddie!

So Cute!

I believe this was the hat Maddie wore in her hospital picture

So precious

Monday, April 18, 2011


I thought giving birth was the hardest thing Ive ever done until I had to leave the hospital today without my little girl.  They are keeping her in progressive care until Wednesday so she can get 3 days of antibiotics.  They believe she has a slight infection and are just being cautious. I never thought this was the way things would go especially after such a healthy pregnancy; goes to show you just never know.  Im trying to be strong and be positive but honestly I don't think Im doing so well.  We're praying that her lab work comes back clear on Wednesday and we can bring her home where she belongs.  So please say a little prayer for sweet Savannah for us.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Savannah's Here!

Savannah Summer Burnley arrived 4/16/11 at 2:26 am - 6.12 lbs and 20 3/4 long.

It was an extremely long and hard labor but she is here and she is beautiful, we love her so much!

She spent a half day in the NICU because they had to use a vacuum to help her out in the 26th hour of labor.  (Yes, I said 26th hour) Her poor little head was badly bruised so they are keeping a close eye on it.  She was moved to Progressive Care yesterday and we were hoping for her to be discharged to us today.  Unfortunately after her lab work came back, they are concerned that she may have some kind of infection, so they are keeping her tonight.  They are going to do more lab work tonight and we are praying that results come back negative for any infection and she will be able to come home with us tomorrow.  I don't think I would be able to leave her without her; the thought of it breaks my heart.

Shane and I have been going to see her every few hours for diaper changes, temperature checks and feedings.  She is doing great with all of that.  She is so sweet and precious and I can't even the describe the feeling of looking at that little person in your arms who you have been carrying around for 9 months, who you and the love of your life made together.  And when she looks back at you, well, lets just say my heart melts.

So I guess I can forgive her for almost killing me during delivery :)

Here are the pictures we've taken so far....(many, many, many more to come)

This was only picture I allowed during

Welcome Savannah! Poor thing had a tough trip getting here

In the NICU

In Progressive Care

Mommy feeding her 4/17/11

Daddy Burping 4/17

Nothing like it

Just look at her perfect little face, Im in love.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

38 weeks

Still ready.

*As you can see, I added 2 polls to the blog.  I used the polls that Blogger provides which are very limited.  I wish the polls would allow us to see who voted for what, but it doesn't so if you could just leave a comment after you vote and let us know what you voted for, that would be great! 

Friday, April 8, 2011