Sunday, December 19, 2010

12/19/10 Thoughts on Being a Good Mom

Just some things on my mind that I feel like sharing.

Being pregnant has my mind spinning and my emotions roaring.  I never thought of myself as a "deep" person but it seems lately that has changed somewhat.  I feel so connected to this little one growing inside me that I find myself constantly thinking of our new lives together.  Shane and I are always talking about all the things were going to do with her and things were going to teach her, trips we'll go on, watching her grow, all these wonderful things we have to look forward to.  Being 30 years old and just having my first child is a little different then the way I had pictured it years ago but I know now that that is the way it was meant to be.  Shane and I were meant to meet 6 years ago, fall in love,  have 5 years for just each other; to travel, to come and go as we pleased, to just enjoy each other and our freedom. He would make me wait all these years to make my dreams come true (something I now appreciate, but despised for a long long time).  So now we are in this wonderful place together.  We are both ready for this new adventure in life and to give our little girl the best life we possibly can.  So all of this has got me thinking how some parents take every opportunity they can to spend time away from their little ones. I just don't get it.  I think when you have children at a young age you tend to feel that your own childhood has been taken away so you try to get it back by behaving like you're single and free.  Not that its right but I get it. But when you're older and have kids, what's your excuse?

  Im just saying that I want to be a good mom and Im going to do my best to do so.  Plain and simple. The biggest part of being a great parent is being there and not having other people raise your child. They grow up so fast and I don't want to miss a thing. So many things happen in their first year of life and if we have it our way we'll be there, camera in hand to witness every bit of it.

I must admit, whether anyone reads this post or not, I feel so much better having written it.

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