Friday, December 31, 2010

12/31/10 24 weeks

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas, ours was good.  My mom came down to spend it with us and Shane's family.  A lot of good food and family so you can't get much better than that.  Savannah made out pretty well, she got her new pack 'n' play (which I LOVE!!) a few new outfits and a couple other things.  My mom got us a new dishwasher which has been great! I forgot what we were missing...I know it will really come in handy when Baby S arrives. We also got a new video camera so we can catch every milestone and share it with the family :)

Not much else to report, Im feeling good, but definitely getting bigger.  Im really starting to notice the changes in my body.  My stomach is becoming much harder and I think my belly button looks a little  I also think "pregnancy brain" has kicked in.

Baby Savannah is moving around constantly; I feel her mostly in the afternoon and night.  I think we even saw her kick last night! Shane hasnt been able to feel her yet but I'm pretty sure we saw her, she's definitely very active.  I read that she weighs over a pound and is about the size of an ear of corn.....mmmmm corn...hahaha

Having fun with the camera this morning...this is probably about the most fun we'll be having this New Years Eve.  Boy how things change!!


The Rice's said...

"Pregnancy Brain" That sill cracks me up. I don't understand how this happens but it lasts for a while. I think all women got together and made this up so they can get away with things while they are pregnant and beyond pregnancy. Just Kidding.

Shane said...

Haha! Im telling you I actually forgot my SS# the other was crazy