Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Just when I thought I was going to be one of the lucky women who goes through her pregnancy without any sickness; it hit me.  I started feeling nauseous shortly after I got to work.  I ate a little and started to feel better then it came back so I ate a little more thinking that would help like it had in the past...but it didn't.  I took a break and sat in my car for a little while then when back to work.  Still wasn't feeling good so I decided to leave work early.  Ugh.  The nauseous feeling didn't go away until Shane and I went for a walk around 6:00.  Who would have thought that would do it?  I really hope this doesn't last long, feeling like to have to constantly vomit is an awful feeling.

My mom came to visit over the weekend, we had a great time.  We ate, shopped and ate some more! We wanted to do some baby shopping but its really still too early to buy anything besides diapers, which we did get plenty of....

We also figured out how to Skype with my sister and Maddie in Michigan, so that was a lot of fun.  Now not only do I get to see Maddie when I talk to her but they get to see me as I grow and all the fun baby stuff that we buy along the way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those pre-natal vitamins with iron made me sick. Be sure to take them with food. <3