Friday, February 4, 2011

29 weeks and sick again!

29 weeks!! Whoo-hoo!! As happy as I am to be 29 weeks, I'm not so happy to be sick. Again. I was extremely sick with a bad cold right before Thanksgiving and now again, I feel not so great.  It hasn't been as bad but Ive spent the majority of this week in bed, ugh.  The doctor said its just because there is so many flu viruses going around right now but not to worry, Baby S is fine.  That's what matters!

Wow, its amazing that I only have 11 more weeks until my due date, until I get to meet my daughter.  I can't tell you how happy and excited I am.  Savannah Summer will finally be here! We still have so much to do though, so she can just keep on cookin' (and kickin') :) 

Holy Moly!

Shane ended up working today and couldn't take my picture this morning, so I had a little fun with the camera! Enjoy :)

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