Sunday, March 31, 2013

Fun Filled Easter 2013

I was the first to wake up this morning. We have quite a little sleeper on our hands (yes, we know how lucky we are), so by 7:45 I went to check on her and she was just laying there sucking her thumb. My little sweetie pie, I can't even remember the last time she cried to get us to come get her.  So I got her up (and daddy too) and after some milk and cartoons we gave her her Easter basket.  Filled with lots of fun goodies, she was very happy.  Coloring books, hair bows, crayons, candy and more she loved her new trinkets and we loved watching her enjoy them :) 

Unfortunately, Mommy had to work today.  It is what it is. 

Fortunately, Daddy was taking her out to his cousins who lives on a huge piece of property filled with cows, chickens, toys, kids, buggy's and more! Shane said she had a blast, and that's what really matters to me. She came home with dirt under her nails and scrapes on her knees but she didn't care and neither did I.  

Tracy & Paul~ Thank you for showing my little girl such a great time today, I know she had fun and... I think she has a crush on Tucker ;)

She had a great Easter!

Home, bathed and ready to watch....... guess what? Barney!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Catching up...

I definitely go through spurts with the blog, most of time Im pretty good at posting weekly but I just haven't been into it lately.  It happens. Plus I've been working about 6 nights a week, so between that, working out and dedicating Savannah's nap time strictly to the Jodi Arias trial, the blog has definitely taken a back seat.

So what else has been going on?

At Chick-fil-a for the pinewood derby races.  This was the only picture that I got, it was crazy packed there! No time or space for pictures

 Morning after the races, holding her trophy and car

 Look at my big girl.  Eating at her table all by herself for the first time.  She did great, ate most of her lunch with very little mess.  She's very focused on the tv though, Doc McStuffins is on...

 On our way to meet mom and dad for dinner

Waiting outside the restaurant with "baby"


 Changing room camera fun

 Taking my little girl out to lunch

 Date night...

..with my parents

 This is the point where Shane is sick of taking pictures and starts flicking me off in all shots 
(yes, dad and shane have the same shoes)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Shopping with Gam

Last week Savannah and I went to Miromar outlets with my mom.  She's been working in Michigan for the past 2 months and just got back.  We missed her, so we got right back to what we do best- shopping and eating :)

 Miromar is the perfect place to shop with little ones, they have a huge playground!

 And lot's of water fountains...

 Savannah got a new hat

 The next morning leaving the gym

Then later we went to Walmart..."Wassup"

Friday, March 8, 2013

SkinnyCandi: Half Way There!!

25 lbs gone! Oh yes, I can't tell you how great I feel and how ready I am to tackle the next 25.  I'm finally at a point where Im losing something every week.  Today marks 4 months to the day that I started working out. Some may think, and I probably would have thought too, "that's a long time to lose only 25 lbs" but Im looking at it in just the opposite way.  I've lost 25 whole lbs in JUST 4 short months.  I didn't gain, I didn't stay the same, I lost! And I think that's something to be proud of.  Not only that, Im down 2 sizes, I feel better then I have in a long time and Im happy.  Nuff' said.

Im on a roll and there's no stopping me now. Im actually looking forward to buying a bathing suit this summer.  Eek! Who would of thought? Last summer was the first summer where I spent a lot of time outdoors and at the beach, because of Savannah of course.  However, having to buy a bathing suit let alone wear one out in public was humiliating and just an awful experience all together.   But I did it so Savannah could have fun, and hopefully this summer I can sit back relax and enjoy it with her; without the worry of how I look.

My plan is still right on track, working out 5x a week and keeping my calories in check.  Although for the past 2 weeks Im really been on this running kick.  So instead of doing the classes Im been doing mostly running and weights.  It's what Ive been feeling and I don't force myself to do anything when it comes to working out.  Running it is and I'm getting pretty good, today I did a 13 minute mile. Not bad.  My eating is still not so great, I stay within my calorie allowance but I know I could be eating a lot healthier.  Oh well, Im still losing , so maybe the diet part will come later.

I snapped a couple of pictures this morning before heading off to the gym...

 3/8/13 -25 lbs

Savannah weighs under 25 lbs, lol 
(she just had to have her picture taken, since that's what mommy was doing) 

Then she wanted to stand with me ;)