Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blog Slacker...

I know, I've been completely slacking on my blogging duties and honestly, I just haven't been into it. Between working, taking care of my *almost* 1 year old (in 12 short days) who keeps me busy every second that she isn't napping, planning her party and, well, just life in general...there just hasn't been any time for the blog.  Ok, ok, maybe it also has something to do with the fact that I got an iPhone a few weeks ago and I pretty much do every thing computer related right from the phone however, the blog, obviously not being one of them.  So yes, combine all of those things and you get nothing from me blog related.

Onto party business.  I've had so many great ideas for her 1st party, a lot of which I have put into place and a lot that I haven't.  For some reason I always tend to forget that we don't have a lot of family or, ahem, friends. Which pretty much always equals not the most happening party.  After I did the invitations (which in itself was a big disappointment for me) I realized we're only going to have approximately 10-12 people coming.  So I kind of had to let some of my ideas go because it just seems crazy to go overboard for such a small group.  Plus, a lot of the things I was thinking of were kid related and there is only 1 child coming. Ugh.  I just have to remind myself that as she gets older she will make more friends therefore she will have a much more fun party. So I can put all of my party planning ideas into action! And I have A LOT of them!

Back to the invitations.  I started planning her party about 2 months ahead.  Just jotting down ideas, themes, food, etc.  Some how, I let the invitations go and here it was 3 1/2 weeks before the party and I still hadn't picked any out let alone sent them out.  SO I ended up going with some cheapy kind from the party store.  They said 1st Birthday on them and everything but I really wanted to do something personalized with a picture of our future one year old on them.  Oh well, Im going to make it up with some other "custom" ideas I have.  Also I have to keep reminding myself that this is just the 1st of many parties I'll be planning for our little sweetie pie.

Ok, I've vented enough for now.

I'll leave you with some random pics from the past week...

a morning at the park

I'm pretty sure she's not suppose to be playing with that

there is nothing cuter than a baby girl in a pretty pink ruffle butt bathing suit

hanging out in the backyard

back at the park, testing out her shoes

sharing a waffle with mommy

back in backyard

she'll last about 2.5 minutes in the pool until she's onto something else

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