Sunday, October 30, 2011

There's no stopping her now!

Until a few days ago Savannah would only crawl around on her play mat and the rug in the living room but now she is making her way all over.  Venturing into our room and the other day the kitchen.....
Hi mommy! 
I'm coming to get you!
Yay! I made it to the kitchen!
{Pit stop}
Spider crawl

Friday, October 28, 2011

Playdate with Baby Jett!

When were at the halloween party last week we met a couple who has an 8 month little boy Jett.  They were really nice and were also new to the PIP group so I invited them (actually just mom and baby) to the park and farmers market yesterday morning.  We had a great time, it's so fun watching Savannah interact with other babies.  Plus I really enjoyed talking with another new mommy, hearing about their struggles in the beginning, their milestones and just general baby talk.  After letting the kids crawl and play for a while we headed over to the farmers market and bought lots of fresh produce.  I bought a watermelon, pineapple, squash, cucumbers, red pepper, avacado and corn all for $ that's a deal!

Can you believe I didn't get any pictures?  I can't.  But you can see adorable Jett on the homepage of Lisa Sciandra photography, he's right next to Savannah.

Hopefully we'll meet up again soon :)

Clipart Illustration of a Twin Baby Boy And Girl With Pacifiers, Trying To Crawl by Pushkin

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Savannah made the home page of Lisa Sciandra Photography!

Welcome to my website! Here you will find your free, downloadable pictures. Visit regularly to see what's new or become a member to get updated emails sent to you.
If you're interested in a photo session, I currently charge a one-time, hourly rate of $60.  You choose the location -- my house, your house, the beach, the park...  After the session, I edit your pictures and you get all of the best images, downloadable through this website.  If you would like me to print your selected photos for you, I will do so through a reputable photo lab.  I can also create beautiful, customized layouts. 
Call me at: 239.896.5786. 
You can also email me at:

Our little model :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

1st Halloween Party

I joined a group called Parenting in Paradise  about a month ago, a friend I used to work with (who had her 2nd daughter in January) had told me about it a while back.  It's a mommy and me kinda thing where they host playdates, kids activities, local event get togethers and mommy's night out.  Yesterday was their 4th annual Halloween Bash at Lakes Park. There were a lot of families with kid's of all ages, pot luck dinner and a photographer set up to take fall pictures.  The weather was beautiful so all in all we had a good time and so did Savannah.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


This is part of my 6 month update from

Independent sitting is itself an important skill, but it's also a big step toward learning to crawl. Once your baby can sit up, it's only a matter of time, strength, and coordination before that translates to a lunge forward onto hands and knees. A few babies start crawling (or getting around via some other form of early locomotion, like scooting) by 6 months, although most take off between 7 and 9 months.

Well, she's been crawling all over the place for about 2 weeks now! We knew we had a smartypants on our hands ;) Go Savannah Go!

free baby clipart

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

1st Pumpkin Patch & Dress Up

little pirate girl

there were way too many distractions

a hot florida day at the pumpkin patch
mommy's favorite face 
cutest lamb i've ever seen
"really mom"?
"you're kidding me right"?
"i like this one"!
I threw this one in because I just took it and it's so darn cute!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Savannah is 6 months old!

6 months old already!  Wow.  
Well she is definitely a mover and a shaker these days.  That was clear when I was trying to get these pictures yesterday.  She had just woken up from a nap and was in such a good mood but she was all over the place! She was trying to grab the sticker off the blanket, trying to grab at me and the camera, trying to crawl off the chair.  I finally had to call Shane in for back up.  Boy, how she has changed. It makes me think about her 1 month old picture; she was so tiny and so upset with me trying to position her on the chair (couldn't really blame her).  And now she's such a happy little thing and crawling all over the place. It's amazing how much they change in such a short time.  Love. her.

Here's a peek into our "photo shoot"
funny smile 
let's try a bow...then she spit up
enter: the toy - then she fell..
everything in the mouth

"screw the toy- i'm coming to get you mommy"
"oh hi daddy"
in walks the pups and she's completely distracted...that ends this photo shoot :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Night Out....

.......on the back porch.

Over the weekend after Savannah went to bed we decided to have a little Mommy/Daddy time to ourselves.  Some great music, some good drinks and a lot of laughs.  Just what we needed.

Totally left me hangin'
You can never go wrong with Lionel
Of course we had to bust out one of our favorite soundtracks

Good Times.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Love this....

There are so many mommy blogs out there, I mean there is this entire cyber world full of them! I never knew they existed until I entered into this world myself.  I only wish I had the time to read all of them but that is simply impossible.  Every so often there is one that really catches my attention and even more so a blog post that I fall in love with.  This is from Mrs. Stephanie T.  I started reading her blog when she did a guest post on Jenni from the Blog.  She has a 2 year old little girl named Hallie, who by the way, has just about the sweetest little face ever! Stephanie is an excellent writer and I love the passion she has for her daughter and being a mom.

Reading this made me smile, thanks Mrs. Stephanie T!!



i've been thinking about my little nugget lately. obviously i think about her pretty often no matter what because i'm surrounded by her every day, but even after she goes to sleep i find myself remembering cute moments or funny things that hallie said that day. i miss her when she goes to sleep. i get excited to see her when i wake up. even though she sometimes make me crazy, i look at her and my heart literally wants to burst. when we're leaving to go somewhere, i'll be putting everything in my bag and i'll tell hallie to run and get her shoes please. all of a sudden i hear her little voice go "mommy... shoes" and she politely drops my toms at my feet. she always wants to help me for some reason. her favorite is helping taking things to the trash when i'm cleaning... i know it successfully made it into the can when i hear a distant "hooorrayyy!!" from the kitchen. she gives kisses to everyone, including strange kids at the park {uh, we're going to have to work on that}. she says hello to whoever she sees and tells strangers "bresh you" when they cough or sneeze {didn't mean to rhyme there... but i like it}. the best is when we're walking through target {i would say a store, but let's face it... it's not like we go anywhere else} and she'll randomly squeal, almost cackle, when she's sitting there with her goldfish. she's just a happy kid and smiles at everyone, but when her smile is acknowledged by someone she doesn't know, she gets a little shy and immediately finds my hand to hold. it makes me feel good to know that she feels protected.

i was holding hallie tonight before sleep. {we've gotten into a new routine where she likes to pretend like a baby and have me rock her while we sing "you are my sunshine" then goes and crawls into her bed. hey, whatever works!} she had her head on my shoulder and her little arm up by my neck. i thought of what i would do if she ever went away. i held her a little tighter and a little longer... smelled her into me and nuzzled into her soft skin. i stopped my thoughts from going anywhere sad because i realized i literally would die if anything happened to her. i don't know what i would do.

anyway, i just love my girl and although i have my hard days where i wish i could just disappear for a little bit, i often look at her and know i'd rather be no where else than on the floor playing and laughing with my h-bug.  i cherish those moments. i really do.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Mama's on a roll now!

Today I made Savannah some butternut squash, green beans and pears.

First, I started with the squash...
Cut a small portion of the end off so you will have a flat surface
to stand it up, then cut down the middle in half.

(my cutting in half didn't work out so well)

Scoop out the seeds, set aside.
Bake 350 degrees, 1 hour.  
Once cooled, scoop out flesh (should have consistency of a sweet potato)
Puree until smooth (if you want it chunkier just mash with a fork)
My 2 lb butternut squash cost $2.60, it made 8 - 1oz servings.
Oh and it tastes delicious!
<Check on baby>
Rinse and separate pulp and seeds
Bake seeds for about 10-15 minutes, add salt.
You can snack on these or add them to your salad like I did. 
Then onto green beans and pears (I didn't end up doing the apples)
After seaming and pureeing the pears, I added oatmeal to half
and to the other half I added oatmeal and applesauce. 
After pureeing the green beans I mixed half of it with rice cereal and
 to the other half I mixed in rice and applesauce for a sweeter taste.  
After dating and labeling, it's time to freeze
There's something to be said about opening your freezer
and seeing a bunch of adorable smiling faces staring at you!
I tasted everything I made today and it was all good! Not that I'll be having the green beans, oatmeal and applesauce mix for dinner or anything but I like to make sure that they at least have a nice baby friendly flavor.  

The idea for the squash came from one of my all time favorite bloggers Roni....