Yesterday Savannah and I drove to Sarasota to surprise my mom at work. She owns a liquor store and I've only been there a handful of times in the past 5-6 years. It's just always been easier for her to come down here and either stay with my sister or Shane and I. But it was nice to take a drive up there this time. This was Savannah's longest trip yet; she did really well. Although 5 minutes after we left the house she made me a lovely present and I had to pull over at the nearest gas station to change her. Of course that gas station didn't have a changing table in the restroom so I had to change her in the back seat. That's always fun.
Then we were on our way.....she made it to Port Charlotte before she started fussing, but that was my fault because I pulled over at a McDonald's and she woke up when the car stopped. (She'd be happy if the car never stopped) SO I was back on I-75, doing good, she was sleeping and I was about to have my own personal jam session- boy have I missed those. There's nothing like getting in your car and blaring your favorite songs. Although there was NO blaring going on, I learned very quickly that my jam sessions are forever changed. Listening to Britney Spears at a sensible baby friendly volume just isn't the same. I mean, c'mon. So we made it to North Port (a good 10 minutes away) and she really started crying, so I got off at the next exit thinking I would just pull over and feed her. But as soon as I made it all the way back to 41, she fell back asleep. *Sigh* I just drove 15 minutes to get to 41, I didn't want to turn right back around to get back on 75. So I decided I would take the scenic route. It's been a long time since Ive driven through N. Port and Venice, boy has it changed! However, my back seat driven didn't care for the scenic route at all, with every red light she would wake up and cry. *Sigh again* Do I drive back to 75? Or just keep going on 41? I decided to take 41. So we finally made it to my moms store, only took us about 2 hours!! Jeesh, double the time it should take. Oh well, we made it and I loved surprising my mom. We had lunch at Chili's and she got to visit with Savannah, we had a good time. Savannah slept the entire way back.
Here's some pictures...
Playing while mommy finished getting ready |
Surprise!!! |
Just chatting it up |
Great seeing you Gam! |
I bet she was surprised. Did she do a double take when she saw you guys? Oh... "you have a baby... in a liquor store" :)
She was definitely surprised! I never go up there. I know I felt kinda weird about walking in there with the stroller but oh well. Then I read back my post and thought "that doesn't sound too good" taking a baby to a liquor store but again oh well
It's only bad if it is midnight and you take a baby to a liquor store
That's true!
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