Sunday, August 26, 2012

Calm before the storm....

Isaac may be on his way but we still have a little girl to entertain, so yesterday we decided to check out a "Just for Fun Dog Show" It was being held at a local park and thought it would be fun for Savannah to see all the doggies.  There were some cuties for sure, there was a "Verdell", the same kind of dog from the movie As Good As it Gets.  So. Cute.  And some King Cavaliers, I couldn't help but think of "Elizabeth Taylor" from Sex and the City- all fans will know what Im talking about.  Although the dogs were cute, the dog show itself wasn't all that exciting.  As I was looking around I noticed a playground near by.  It was nice and different from the other playgrounds we've been to so Savannah had fun running around.  Even though it was overcast, it was still hot so we decided to go to Lakes Park.  We were there for about 5 minutes when the maintenance man came by and shut off the water to the kids water park.  Not sure if there was an issue or what but I thought it was strange to "recycle the water" (as he put it) at Noon on a Saturday.  Oh well, we headed home and kept a close eye on Mr. Isaac.

Uh, No.

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