Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Dealing with Colic, and Tips on getting through it...

So I skipped Charlottes 3 month update because things still wern't good. At all.  Today she is 4 months old and for 1 week exactly has been absolutely A-mazing!  Literally as I sit here at 9:47am typing this, she has not cried since yesterday morning.  Yep, yesterday morning. She has been happy, comfortable, content and NOT screaming her head off! Yay!!! <insert emoji of the lady in red dancing, because thats me- doing my happy dance> Im praying that this is it, and Charlotte is making that turn that colicky babies make around 3-4 months.  Looking back, I do believe in the beginning it was her UTI that was causing her pain, therefore she was super fussy and not sleeping.  But that was cleared up at 7-8 weeks old.  We still had another solid 2 months of colic. BUT we made it, and I really don't know how..  I remember her being 6 weeks old and someone telling me "she should be over this by 3 months" and my entire body just sank with feelings of "how in the hell am I going to do this for another 6 weeks" But I (we) did. We made it through, with barely any help at all. We've only had a hand full of nights out, just the two of us. Charlotte has only been watched here in our home, no days or nights out with grandparents, none of that.  Not that that was even an option, I would never let her spend the night out this young, and before she was sleeping through the night any way.   So yes, we did it.  It wasn't easy, but now I know we can handle anything these kids throw at us.

If you are dealing with a severely colicky baby, here are 3 pieces of advice:

#3 Try not to worry about any thing else other than the baby. This was most difficult for me. Letting my cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc. go was extremely hard.  Looking back, if I had not worried so much about keeping up with the household stuff, I wouldn't have felt that extra stress and pressure. LET IT GO! (as Elsa would say... or sing rather)  *I understand you cant let everything go, just try, try, try not to stress about any thing else.  The screaming baby is enough for the moment.

#2 Just take it day by day. Do not look to the future, do not count how many days you've been dealing with it and how many days (hopefully) you have left.  Day. By. Day.  Live in the moment.

And #1 Take breaks when you can.  Sit in your car with the music playing, take a deep breath, (a shot of vodka) and regroup.  Go back in and start over.  I should have done this a lot more, sitting there listening to the constant screaming, after you have tried everything and nothing has worked (because with Colic, nothing will) Step away. To a place you can't hear it.  I would go sit in my bathroom with the fan on, which wasn't the smartest because I could still hear her.  You have to clear your head.  I felt like I was losing it about 99% of time because I didn't take breaks when I should have.

Just know, it will get better and it will eventually go away.  And when it does, have a giant size glass of wine and pat yourself on the back.  You just made it through hell and back.

Now, go enjoy that sweet, happy baby :)

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