Monday, May 12, 2014

Savannah starts School!

Savannah started preschool 2 weeks ago, we planned on starting her when she turned 3 so thats what we did.  She's only going part time, 2 half days a week to start then when little miss arrives we will go to 3 half days.  Today started her 3rd week and she did great when I dropped her off, all smiles! What a relief. It hasnt been that easy since her first day.  She got pretty upset the last few times which really surprised me.  And I surprised myself on her first day when I was bawling in the car after dropping her off.  But we're both adjusted now (so it seems) She seems to enjoy it, the teacher says she does great. It's still strange to be home without her, the house feels empty.  But not for long!

I can't believe my little baby Savannah is 3 years old starting school. It's just crazy.

 (I rotated these pictures before uploading and they are still showing up sideways)

 After her second day, I took her to cold stone for a ice cream treat :)

8 months and Ready

As of yesterday Im officially 8 months/32 weeks.  I wish that pregnancy was actually 9 months since that would mean I'd be meeting my little girl within 4 weeks.  Nope. Still have 8 weeks to go (give or take).  I feel so big lately that I can actually feel myself "waddleing".  Carpul tunnel has fully kicked in along with my hands, feet and face swelling.  I hate to be that pregnant girl who is always complaining but here I go anyway.... this pregnancy has been hard for many reasons.  Before getting pregnant I had spent the last year losing and maintaining a 35 lb weight loss.  It was the most weight I had ever lost and I really only got to enjoy it for about 6 months.  From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I was showing and the weight packed on fast.  My goal was to continue my work outs throughout my pregnancy but of course that didnt happen because I was so sick through my 16th week.  By the time my nausea ended, it was really hard for me to get back into my routine.  My other excuses? It was peak season at work so we were crazy busy and did I mention I have a toddler to take care of all day? I just didnt have the will power or motivation I needed to continue working out.  So needless to say the 35 lbs are back on and its been so so difficult watchng that scale move back up.  I  know, Im pregnant.  But still my weight has always been a mind game for me so seeing those numbers again so quickly, hurts. 

So Im just ready to meet our new little girl a-sap.  And now that Im getting closer to the end, Im starting to get really nervous about giving birth again.  More so than the first time.  The first time I had no idea what to expect, I sure as hell didn't expect to be in labor for 26 hours ending with Savannah having to be assisted out with a vaccum delivery which resulted in her being in NICU for 5 days- completely killing me.  So maybe I am slightly traumatized.  My doctor said because of my complications the first time I could opt for a scheduled C-section.  I said no.  I wanted a normal delivery this time. I want to be able to hold my little girl immediatly after her birth, have her in our room with us and have her leave with us.  BUT now?  I dont know, a scheduled C-section is sounding a little bit better.  I know its just my nerves.

We've started preparing for little miss and boy is it getting "real".  Savannah will be getting her new twin bed soon so we'll be putting the crib back together and turning the guest room into a guest room/playroom.  The girls will share a room.  I'd like them to share a room as long as they're happy to.  My sister and I did and from what I remember, I enjoyed it.  

So thats about it on the prego front.

Seriously, 8 more weeks?