Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Team Burnley

Yep, thats right, we are Team Burnley all the way! 
(thats what I called us, then Shane proceeded to call me a dork)

Shane decided he would like to give the gym a try and I was all for it.  I've been completely slacking on going and I know how motivating it can be to have someone to go with.  I'm always trying to lose weight and Shane would like to lose a few and tone up some. So Saturday morning the 3 of us loaded up and went to the gym, after dropping Savannah off in the kid care center, I gave him a quick tour then we got right to work.  I've been going to the gym off and on for 4 years but it's been much longer for Shane; so he just needs to get familiar with all the machines and get a routine down and he'll be good to go! Me? I loved having him there, not only is it going to be nice having someone to go with but it's something good (and healthy) for us to do together.  We've been saying for years "we need to get a hobby" well, this could be the all around perfect hobby. We're together, we're working towards a goal, we're getting healthy and best of all Savannah not only gets to go and socialize but she's seeing that her parents care about being fit and healthy.  

If we can stick with this, I'd love to do blog updates on our progress, so stay tuned!

Friday, May 25, 2012

It's all about the PARK!

Savannah and I have been spending a lot time at the parks lately.  It really is a happenin' place to be! The one we went to this morning was probably my favorite so far.  Savannah had fun and we got to see some familiar faces.....

We started out like this at the house..... 
 But that quickly turned to this....
When she knows we're getting ready to leave she likes to follow me around the house as I'm trying to get everything ready,  (like Im going to leave w/o her or something) she'll pull on me and whine.  
So I told her stop, and she had a meltdown that lasted about 2.5 seconds.
 YAY!! We made it, and she got right to work!
 Good Job! That was her first time climbing the playground!
 Checking out all the leaves, sticks and dirt
 Fun, fun and more Fun!
Hey!? We know this little guy! It's Anthony!
Tony and Laura's little boy Anthony came to park a little after we got there with his grandparents.
 There was no getting a picture with both of them looking; they were very busy little munchkins
Anthony is master of the slides! 

We stayed at the park for over an hour, it was nice catching up with Laura's mom, Linda and letting the kids play.  This park was great, we'll definitely be heading back there soon!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

1 year ago today...

I was feeling nostalgic this morning and started going through old pictures. What triggered this you ask?

This morning Papa and I took Savannah to the park and just watching her walk around with direction in mind, picking up every rock, shell or leaf she passes then going up to the boys playing basketball, yelling BAHHHH!! All that made me think about how far she has come.  It's truly amazing how much our little babies change in one short year.

Here's my little sweet cheeks 1 year ago today.....

Monday, May 21, 2012

Fun filled weekend

Our weekend in pictures....

 Friday afternoon, I took Savannah to a nearby "park"

 Then we went to walmart and she picked out a new BAHHHHH! (that's how she says ball)
 Saturday morning we all headed to the beach
 She was very excited!`

 Sunday morning we headed to the eco park trails
 this was our first time there
 shane practicing his photography skills
and me practicing mine... 
The Eco Preserve trail was very nice but not in this humidity, 
our poor baby got covered in mosquito bites!
 After nap time and showers we went to Mels for lunch
First pickle.  We were very proud parents at lunch, we had several people stop by to tell us what a well behaved (and adorable) baby we have.  Honestly though, she's always like that when were out, but it was nice for people to notice :)
 Then next door to Petsmart, we looked at puppies, kitty cats, fish, mice, hamsters, gerbils and birdies!

 Next stop....Lowes.
 We needed a new pressure pump for the well....
 Mission accomplished.
 Thennnnnn.....Dairy Queen!
Sweet baby.

Then we headed home for afternoon nap time, then we got ready for dinner at Mema & Papas.  
I annoyed everyone with all of my picture taking but it was fun, we had a great family day!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Blog Slacker 2.0

Yep. It's happening again.  This time I'm blaming it on lack of pictures.  My pictures are usually what inspires my blog posts; and considering my camera has been attached at the hip since Savannah was born -that hasn't been a problem.  Until the past couple of weeks, I've been totally slacking on picture taking.  The weather is just getting hotter every day which means we have been spending a lot of time indoors, ugh. I have tried and tried to find and indoor playground/gym for little ones and they just don't seem to exist in this area, but I'm not giving up yet.  I have no problem getting creative in coming up with things to do with a 1 year old (during the summer), I just have to get into my groove.  So anyway, not a lot of pictures which means not a lot of blog posts.  That won't last for long though. I'll be back annoying baby and husband equally with this soon enough......

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Silly Savannah

This little munchkin keeps us entertained at all times....

 She pulled her tights out of drawer so shane HAD to put them on her head
 silly milly
where is the missing C??
 Found it! She does this all the time now, 
she'll just walk around with the C around her neck...I wonder about this child

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Summer Fun

When you're home with a baby full time you have to come up with different things to do to keep busy and active.  Hanging around the house day after day isn't much fun for either of us.  So I try to get out with her at least once a day; sometimes it's the park, or we'll go shopping, last week we went to the mall, and yesterday we played in the little pool she got for her birthday.  She had fun and it kept her entertained for a good 25-30 minutes....hey that was about 10 minutes longer than I expected

Thanks Uncle Mike & Aunt Angela for the adorable pool!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Friday Night Park & Pizza

Last night when Shane got home from work we decided to take Savannah to the park then go have pizza for dinner.

These are the times I missed when I was working, so I really enjoyed the three of us spending a Friday night together....

 Heading into the park
 so cute
 swingy, swingy, swingy
 checking everything out
 having fun with my girl
 ok, we're ready for dinner now
 her 1st time eating pizza, she had some of my 
veggie and loved it, garlic bread too!
this is good stuff mommy!

I see many more friday pizza nights in our future