Thursday, July 26, 2012

1st Family Trip Part Deux

Our trip went great, fast but great.  I know I said I enjoy packing for a trip but I really didn't realize how much I was gonna need to bring for Savannah.  Holy moly, she literally had 5 bags.
1. clothes
2. toys (i had to bring a few things for her to play with)
3. food and snacks
4. diapers, swim diapers, overnight diapers and wipes, bath toys and wash etc.
5. her diaper bag

Wow. Plus, the umbrella stroller, pool toys and the bumbo (to use as a highchair in our room) which we didn't end up needing.

I tried to stay really organized so I wouldn't forget anything; I had lists coming out of my ears! I didn't want to forget something for her then have to buy it up there, what a waste of money.  And I'm happy to say that all of my list making worked because we didn't need anything for her. And luckily my mom was still able to fit in the car with all of our stuff!

We headed out around 10 am to pick up my mom in Sarasota.  Got her picked up, stopped for lunch at Cracker Barrel, then we were on our way.  Savannah started to get cranky when were about 45 min away.  It was past her nap time and I didn't have milk handy for her.  This was her longest car ride yet so I'm sure she was wondering what the hell was going on.  We stopped for milk and she was out; after a small traffic jam we made our way into Clearwater Beach.  A lot of memories for me, my mom and I were reminiscing the whole time (sorry Shane).  I loved it.  A lot has changed, and it was crazy busy there.

We all really had a great time.  Shane, my mom and I have always gotten along really well, we laughed all 4 days and truly enjoyed each others company.   And I have to say our little munchkin was A-MAZ-ING.  Since this was our first trip, I wasn't sure what to expect from her.  I've said before that she's easy going and she is but you just never know.  Well, she was awesome, we even used the hotels crib and still, she was fine with it.  That was probably my biggest concern, she has only spent the night out 3 times, ever, and it's been in her pack-n-play.  But she had no problem, probably because she was so tired by the end of the day. We hung out at the pool, the beach, checked out the area and where we used to stay when vacationing back in the day, shopped and relaxed.

No complaints.  We are already planning our next family vaycay next year!

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