Month 2
It seems like it has been 6 months since my last post. So much has happened and life has been crazy. It wasn't until Charlotte was 6 weeks old and had a urine test, we found out she had a UTI. For four straight weeks she was miserable, terribly fussy, screaming constantly and not sleeping. We were trying everything we (and google) could think of. Formula changes, reflux medicine, multiple doctor visits, all the little things at home we could do to try and make her comfortable. But nothing helped and life was honestly miserable. I was almost ready to accept that we had a baby with full on colic until I asked the doctor to do some blood and urine tests to make sure there wasn't something we were missing. Thank god we did, because that's when he found that she had bacteria in her urine that caused a UTI. Ive had multiple bladder infections in my life and they are extremely painful. I felt so bad for our little girl. But also so glad that we found it and that it was being treated.
Unfortunately things got worse before they got better. It has literally been like being on a roller coaster ride. Some days we thought she was finally turning around then the next day she would be up for 10 hours straight, screaming. OMG. The screaming. If you have never dealt with a baby who screams 24/7. Don't. do. it. It is physiologically exhausting. It just messes with your head. I felt so helpless, hopeless, even homicidal (ok, I'm exaggerating) I will admit though, I had my break downs, I just couldn't take it anymore. All you want is your baby to feel better and when you can't do that, you're just lost.
Onto happier news: For the last week or two, she has been much, much better. She still fights sleep like crazy but she is a much happier, more content, sleeping a lot more, baby. And that makes mama (and daddy) happy. I think it's just going to get better from here.
On the Savannah front: She is doing great. She started a new school on August 20th, and has been doing wonderful. Shane and I are loving it. We were so out of loop at her old school This place seems to make it a priority to keep the parents involved. She's a great big sister too. She still does her own thing but also loves to help me and is always trying to get Charlotte to smile.
Everything is so different with two little ones, so I'm learning as I go. Patience is key and that is really something I need to work on. But I'll get there.
Life in pictures for the past month..
Poor girl came down with pink eye |
We did manage to get some sweet smiles |
Big sis helping litte sis put her socks on.. so sweet |
Please feel better baby girl |
In the ER Ugh. |
First day of school |
Visit from GG |
Back seat daddy-o hahaha |
Morning snuggles |
Still trying to meet up with my mommy group when I can:) |
Photo session fail |
Pretty girl at the doctors. Again. |
That hair. No words. |
2 months old. 11 lbs and getting happier by the day.
Of course I couldnt get her to smile for this picture.
Nope, not having it. |
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