Shane and Savannah met up with Tony, Laura and Anthony at the Fair on Saturday. I had to work and couldn't go. <Insert sad face here>
You know, we made the decision when Savannah was born that I would quit my job in accounting and go back to working nights so we would not have to put her in daycare. It has worked out pretty well for the most part. The money is good and I actually like being back in the restaurant buis. And getting to spend my days with her is priceless. But there are times and things I have to miss out on which makes it hard. I don't miss much but some. Plus, Shane and I being on opposite schedules isn't always easy. I guess there will always be some sacifices that just have to made if we both have to work. And even though sometimes it is tough, I know that it was the best decision for us. I don't regret it at all, life is just hard sometimes.
We are praying that the plans we have for our future work out the way that we need them to. And if they do then all of this will be a distant memory.
Anyway, Shane said Savannah had a good time at the fair. The petting zoo scared her though. He said her and Anthony were sweet together (that I would have liked to see) they are only 7 months apart and we don't see them nearly enough. Im glad Shane took her, they had a great time!
I think he said this is when she spotted the goats... |
Anthony looks like he's going in for a smooch! |
cuties.. |
This is my new favorite picture. Love it. |
Gosh I love that kid!!!! She needs to be in pictures. I love love love her facial features. always cracks me up!
She has so many different faces that she makes all the time! We we're out to eat last night and she literally had the attention of the 3 tables surrounding us. She was making all of her funny faces and putting on a little show for all of them. They loved it, and so did we :)
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