i've been thinking about my little nugget lately. obviously i think about her pretty often no matter what because i'm surrounded by her every day, but even after she goes to sleep i find myself remembering cute moments or funny things that hallie said that day. i miss her when she goes to sleep. i get excited to see her when i wake up. even though she sometimes make me crazy, i look at her and my heart literally wants to burst. when we're leaving to go somewhere, i'll be putting everything in my bag and i'll tell hallie to run and get her shoes please. all of a sudden i hear her little voice go "mommy... shoes" and she politely drops my toms at my feet. she always wants to help me for some reason. her favorite is helping taking things to the trash when i'm cleaning... i know it successfully made it into the can when i hear a distant "hooorrayyy!!" from the kitchen. she gives kisses to everyone, including strange kids at the park {uh, we're going to have to work on that}. she says hello to whoever she sees and tells strangers "bresh you" when they cough or sneeze {didn't mean to rhyme there... but i like it}. the best is when we're walking through target {i would say a store, but let's face it... it's not like we go anywhere else} and she'll randomly squeal, almost cackle, when she's sitting there with her goldfish. she's just a happy kid and smiles at everyone, but when her smile is acknowledged by someone she doesn't know, she gets a little shy and immediately finds my hand to hold. it makes me feel good to know that she feels protected.
i was holding hallie tonight before sleep. {we've gotten into a new routine where she likes to pretend like a baby and have me rock her while we sing "you are my sunshine" then goes and crawls into her bed. hey, whatever works!} she had her head on my shoulder and her little arm up by my neck. i thought of what i would do if she ever went away. i held her a little tighter and a little longer... smelled her into me and nuzzled into her soft skin. i stopped my thoughts from going anywhere sad because i realized i literally would die if anything happened to her. i don't know what i would do.
anyway, i just love my girl and although i have my hard days where i wish i could just disappear for a little bit, i often look at her and know i'd rather be no where else than on the floor playing and laughing with my h-bug. i cherish those moments. i really do.